August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023
Recognising the unique value of the Grand Bargain to drive efficiency and effectiveness in the humanitarian sector, the 66 Signatory donors and aid organisations met last month in Geneva and endorsed a new iteration for the next three years. (source)
Anchored in the original commitments of the agreement, the humanitarian actors will focus their efforts on quality funding, localisation, participation of affected people, and shrinking the needs through strengthened partnerships and innovative approaches.
Localisation requires Digitisation
By adopting digital solutions built on aid best practices national NGOs can scale-up their capacity to manage, coordinate and compliantly report on humanitarian delivery. AIDONIC enables streamlined processes, GDPR-compliant data management, enhanced accountability and de-risked partnerships. Advancing digitisation is not only a practical necessity for achieving localisation, but also a strategic imperative for the entire humanitarian system. AIDONIC's award-winning digital platform has been specifically designed to achieve the commitments outlined in the Grand Bargain. Features of the platform directly address transparency, localization, reducing duplication, and increasing the overall efficiency of humanitarian financing.
How does AIDONIC strengthen partnerships between international and local actors?
By adopting AIDONIC, NGOs can unlock the full potential of their operations, enhancing financial transparency, localization efforts, participation of affected people, and efficiency through streamlined partnerships.